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pull tiger tail – paws. the most incredible comeback-debüt aller zeiten.

von | 18.Juni 2009

vor lauter freude bin ich unfähig zu formulieren und zitiere einfach nur:

Dear Bcc-ers,
This is just a heads up to say that next week we’ll send you the album we recorded in February 2007. Weird, huh?
The album is by us, Pull Tiger Tail, and it shall be named „PAWS.“
(Note the all-important full-stop at the end, which cost us an arm and a leg from a branding company)
The release date shall be August 17th 2009.
We have no expectations whatsoever and we’re releasing it ourselves through the magical thing called the „internet“. This „internet“ promises lots of money for little work, which incidentally is what major record companies also promise. But they demand big work!
We’ll see who keeps their promise the best.
Any questions, hit us back with the subject line: „Pull Tiger Tail, what the FAQ?“
Expect a package soon!


somit erscheint endlich mein ersehntestes debütalbum des jahres 2007. und nicht einmal die böse plattenindustrie konnte es verhindern. 2009 wird nun endgültig das jahr des tigers!


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