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voxtrot/fratellis. neu auf dem bandfriedhof.
von matze | 22.April 2010
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The Fratellis (2005-2010)
The Fratellis – Henrietta
“From the very first day we got together, The Fratellis never had a plan as such, we knew we were good, we knew we had a chance to make it.. Turns out we were right, everything fell into place and we’ve spent the last five or so years touring the world sharing this great music with you all. At this particular point in time though we’ve found ourselves making music still but just not together. This is just the way it goes I suppose sometimes.”
(via indieblogheaven)
Voxtrot (2003-2010)
Voxtrot – Trouble
The career path of Voxtrot was truly one of long, simmering build, explosion, and almost instantaneous decay. Slowly, I am learning to replace any feelings of regret with positive memories of how amazing the whole thing was, and how it has, in an unexpected way, fortified my character.
(mehr auf der Bandhomepage)
(via nicorola)
künstlerkollektiv: the fratellis, voxtrot
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